All posts filed under: magick

October Tarotscopes!

The Death card reminds us that all good things must come to an end, and October is the last month of Tarotscopes on this blog! But don’t worry, the Tarotscopes aren’t going away, just moving to my author blog (managing two blogs got too complicated). I’m drawing one card for each sign from the Tarot’s Major Arcana and the second from its elemental suit. E.g. since Libra is an air sign, one card is drawn from the Major Arcana and one from the Tarot’s air suit, swords, for Libra. (Standard disclaimer: Tarotscopes are for entertainment purposes only). And in honor of the season, our gif theme is Hocus Pocus. Libra, September 23 – October 22: Page of Swords and The Chariot. Your brain is in overdrive, but think (or feel) carefully. Are you being driven by conscious or subconscious desires? Neither is inherently good or bad, but it’s important to figure out where these thoughts are coming from. The best outcome places your higher self in the driver’s seat. Scorpio, October 23 – November 21: …

Do You Know Your Fairies?

Guest post by Rayna Noire Share this on Facebook>>> Most of us when we think of Faeries think of Orlando Bloom as Legolas in the Lord of the Rings movies. J.R.R. Tolkien, the author, described his elves as fair, tall, and enigmatic. The term faeries and elves is interchangeable in earlier folk tales. Even creatures such as gnomes, leprechauns, banshees, brownies, pixies, even water spirits fell under the heading of faeries. Tinkerbell or the Blue Fairy should not be your end all when it comes to faeries. Just as there are many types of faeries, there are also varying beliefs about them too. There are several origin stories about faeries, but the most accepted is The Fair Folk were the children of the Celtic Goddess Danu. In prehistory, the faeries walked the Earth openly and lived in harmony with nature. Their major home was Ireland, although sightings and stories about the Fair Folk occur all over. Faeries welcomed people and taught them agriculture. The early people and faeries intermarried and had children. The skills faeries …


September Tarotscopes! 2016

I’m drawing one card for each sign from the Tarot’s Major Arcana and the second from its elemental suit. E.g. since Virgo is an earth sign, one card is drawn from the Major Arcana and one from the Tarot’s earth suit, pentacles, for Virgo. (Standard disclaimer: Tarotscopes are for entertainment purposes only). Share this on Facebook>>> Virgo, August 23 – September 22: Judgment and the Ace of Pentacles. You’re being called to action, Virgo, and if you choose to take on the assignment, you can reap massive rewards. The Ace of Pentacles promises all sorts of goodies on the material realm. But manifesting takes work. Don’t expect it to necessarily come easily, but if you put the time in, it will happen. Libra, September 23 – October 22:  The Empress and the Two of Swords. You’ve got a decision to make, and the answer is there, if you’re receptive to it. This is a time to listen, really listen, to yourself and others. Scorpio, October 23 – November 21: The Hierophant and the Six of …

Where Life is a Fairy Tale

The world is sprinkled with real, fairy tale towns. Here’s some eye candy for your Monday morning… Share this link on Facebook>>> 1)Alsace, France. It’s hard to choose just one town in the Grimm’s fairy tale world of France, Germany, and Switzerland. But Alsace and Zermatt (below) seemed reasonable choices. 2) Zermatt, Switzerland. 3) Iceland – anywhere. With its bay of icebergs and tumbled lava fields thick with green moss, it was hard to choose just one photo to represent the “fairyness” of Iceland. JRR Tolkein used it as a setting for Middle Earth. Need I say more? At any rate, I decided to stick with my “built by man” theme. 4) Tallinn, Estonia. I was a Peace Corps volunteer here in the nineties, and this medieval Hanseatic city with its turrets and winding streets is spectacular. 5) Mont Saint Michel, France. Better travel writers than I have penned odes to this magical island rising off the coast of north-west France. 6) Tbilisi, Georgia (the country, not the US state). Tbilisi’s old town was funky, crooked, …

enchanted guardian

Myth Shopping in Camelot

Guest post by Sharon Ashwood. Share this on Facebook>>> Arthurian legend is a bit like the big box store of source material, with every size and color of story in stock. I wanted to incorporate threads of the original in my Camelot Reborn series, but soon found myself forced to pick and choose among endless variations. Some tales date back to the Celts, and every generation since has rewritten the adventures to suit the times they lived in. The enduring appeal of Camelot’s tales must owe something to the powerful symbols and archetypes that show up throughout the many versions. For instance, some scholars believe the Grail Quest, with its imagery of a chalice and the wounded Fisher King, has its roots in pre-Christian myth. Likewise, the Green Knight who loses his head but still manages to crash Arthur’s party is a dead (undead?) ringer for a pagan vegetation god. But while all that fascinates the scholar in me, I wanted something I could easily use in a fun time-travel story crammed with delectable heroes. …

August Tarotscopes!

We’re drawing one card for each sign from the Tarot’s Major Arcana and the second from its elemental suit. E.g. since Leo is a fire sign, one card is drawn from the Major Arcana and one from the Tarot’s fire suit, wands, for Leo. (Standard disclaimer: Tarotscopes are for entertainment purposes only). Share this on Facebook>>> Leo, July 23 – August 22: The Hermit and the Ace of Wands. The power is inside you this month, fiery Leo. And the key to unleashing it, counterintuitively, is to first go within. Find your own light inside you, and be bold. This is the month to follow your own internal star and let it out. Virgo, August 23 – September 22: Temperance and the Three of Pentacles. There’s a tension here — the movement to create can only come to fruition if you bring some balance to your own life. Be wary of burning the candle at both ends and the other extreme — too much R&R. You need to find a middle way to move forward with your project. Libra, …

feng shui abundance

The Feng Shui/Abundance Connection

Is there a mind/body connection?  Can how you think help you manifest abundance?  If you said “yes” to both of the above, then the mystical art of Feng Shui may be for you. Share this on Facebook>>> More than just furniture arrangement and wind chimes, Feng Shui is an ancient philosophy dating back in China to roughly 2000 BCE.  It involves bringing the energy in one’s environment into harmonious alignment with one’s personal energy.  How that energy circulates and how much energy is circulating, will affect the inhabitant’s mental and physical well-being, alongside their ability to manifest good fortune.  For example, if there is too much light (a form of energy) in a room it can cause distractions and headaches – not enough, and depression or eye strain may be the result.  Balanced lighting, which lifts one’s energy rather than depleting it, will enable you to focus on the task at hand. Are you interested in more ways to use Feng Shui and generate abundance in your life?  Read on! First, de-clutter your environment.  “But …

the alchemy of crystal healing

The Alchemy of Crystal Healing

What do wizened alchemists in dark medieval laboratories have to do with New Age crystal healing?    In one sense, alchemy is a distant ancestor of crystal healing — not because they both involve working with earth elements, but because both involve the quest for esoteric healing. Share this on Facebook>>> While most people associate alchemy with turning base metals into gold, gold was merely the by-product (literal or figurative) of the alchemist’s process, which sought to refine our own prima materia — the core of what we are — into something higher, more refined.  The alchemist’s quest was a spiritual one, though the final product of his chemistry was said to produce a substance which could cure all ills (and yes, turn lead into gold).  Ancient alchemical texts are obscure in their explanations of just how this is accomplished, their instructions shrouded in metaphor and symbolism.  This is likely because alchemy, like other spiritual processes, is impossible to explain, it must be experienced to be understood. Crystal healing shares this quality with alchemy.  There are …

Starry Nights and the Mind

Night in the desert casts a heavy veil.  Without the sheen of city lights to pale the sky, true black descends, splintered only by diamond-like stars or the light of the moon upon the sands.  This caliber of darkness is ripe for stargazing and philosophical conversations.  One moonless night, however, while driving through the Arizona desert, my vision contracted to the cone of highway illuminated by my headlights.  The horizon vanished and it seemed as if I was surrounded by an uninterrupted, infinite bowl of space. Share this on Facebook>>> My heart pounded in my chest, my breath came in quick gasps.  I was hyperventilating.  The vastness of space had suddenly become all too real and I didn’t like it one bit. From its earliest awakenings, mankind has gazed upon the stars, and wondered.  Our greatest myths, our collective unconscious, are recorded in the heavens.  We’ve imprinted heroes such as Heracles, our nightmares, and our fantasies into constellations.   Ancient gods and goddesses ruled the skies or were made manifest in heavenly bodies.  Though we may …