All posts tagged: zombies

Author Event in Santa Clara, CA!

Three Sisters in Crime, MP Cooley, Dana Fredsti, and Eileen Magill, will be at the Santa Clara (CA) Library on Sunday, August 2nd, from 2 to 4 PM to talk about their books, what it takes to be a published author in today’s market, and any other quirky question the moderator, Abby Normal, decides to spring on them. If you have any questions for the authors, you can ask them at the event. If you’re too shy, you can e-mail your questions in advance to Abby at least one day in advance at, and she’ll ask! (Please note “Author Question” in the subject line so the e-mail doesn’t accidentally get deleted). Plague World, by Dana Fredsti The thrilling conclusion of the zombie apocalypse begun in PLAGUE TOWNand continued in PLAGUE NATION! The zombie plague has gone airborne, and the conspiracy that began it all reaches the boiling point. Having been ambushed in San Francisco, which is now fully engulfed in the zombie plague, Ashley and the wild cards must pursue the enemy to San …

Dana Fredsti Zombies

Surviving a Zombie Apocalpyse

Today, we interview Dana Fredsti, author of the Ashley Parker trilogy of zombie thrillers. Not only does Dana write about zombies, but she also played a Deadite in Sam Raimi’s Army of Darkness. This makes her as close to a zombie expert as you can get. Share this on Facebook>>> PYN: Tell us about your latest zombie novel!s Dana Fredsti: It’s the third book in the Ashley Parker trilogy, the first being Plague Town, the second Plague Nation, and this one being Plague World. By the title, it’s kind of obvious the zombie plague has spread worldwide and our heroes are trying to stop it. By the end of the last book, (spoiler alert) Ashley and crew have made it to San Francisco and the place they’re trying to secure as a new lab and just as they reach it, the best hope for the cure is kidnapped at gunpoint  along with her boyfriend, and taken away in a helicopter. That was the end of book two, and book three is trying to track the …


The Meaning of Zombies

Today we interview Ace Antonio Hall about all things zombie! Be sure to check at the bottom of the interview for a chance to enter the Rafflecopter drawing for a $10 Amazon gift card. PYN: Why are zombies so popular now? What do zombies “mean” or represent? Ace: First, let’s look at the definition: zom·bie – source: [zom-bee] noun the body of a dead person given the semblance of life, but mute and without will, by a supernatural force. (Haitian Creole: zonbi; North Mbundu:nzumbe) is an animated corpse brought back to life by mystical means. “Zombi” is also another name of the Vodou snake There was a time when, in my opinion, zombies were a symbolic metaphor for the mental state of the U. S. citizen—we were mute and without will—taking whatever the political leaders of our great country dished out. In a country where only 54.9% of the voting age population voted in the last election, Americans seemed zombified; shambling along in their own lives, participating in affairs which affect all people living …

Review: Undead Obsessed – Finding Meaning in Zombies

Undead Obsessed:  Finding Meaning in Zombies By: Jessica Robinson Genre:  Nonfiction, pop culture Publisher:  Booktrope Date of Publication: October 31, 2014 ISBN-10: 1620155923; ISBN-13: 978-1620155929 Number of pages:  202 Cover Artist:  Greg Simanson Zombies. I can take them or leave them. But I know people who was OBSESSED with them. Do not get between them and the latest episode of The Walking Dead. So what’s the deal with all the zombies? Jessica Robinson explores just this question in Undead Obsessed: Finding Meaning in Zombies. Setting her apart from the zombie horde, the author focuses on the zombie/science nexus. This non-fiction book starts with a zombie overview, looking at both today’s definition and zombies through various cultures and historical periods. (I learned a lot of fun facts in this chapter). But the author really gets going on the scientific questions. How is the zombie pathogen transmitted? Where can you get fresh water after a zombie apocalypse? How might zombies be used in biological warfare? This exceedingly well-researched and thorough exploration of zombiedom is an original take on the genre. …

The Grave Winner: Author Interview

ParaYourNormal welcomes author of The Grave Winner, Lindsey Loucks! First, here’s the blurb from The Grave Winner: Leigh Baxton is terrified her mom will come back from the dead — just like the prom queen did. [Tweet this!] While the town goes beehive over the news, Leigh bikes to the local cemetery and buries some of her mom’s things in her grave to keep her there. When the hot and mysterious caretaker warns her not to give gifts to the dead, Leigh cranks up her punk music and keeps digging. She should have listened. Two dead sorceresses evicted the prom queen from her grave to bury someone who offered certain gifts. Bury them alive, that is, then resurrect them to create a trio of undead powerful enough to free the darkest sorceress ever from her prison inside the earth. With help from the caretaker and the dead prom queen, Leigh must find out what’s so special about the gifts she gave, and why the sorceresses are stalking her and her little sister. If she doesn’t, …

paranormal books

Asher St Paul thought it was just a typical zombie apocalypse like in the movies, until the necromancers crawled out of the woodwork. Since the undead have chased the living into hiding, the necromancers are able to roam freely in a new America of their making. Asher is seeking safe harbor. The need for safety is what drove him from his home in Philadelphia Pennsylvania before it was shelled. He has searched from quarantine to quarantine, always finding them overrun with zombies until he hears of The Refuge, a military compound in Binghamton New York. With his family and lover lain to rest by his own hand, he has nothing left to lose and gives everything he has to reach the safe haven. But questions arise when he reaches The Refuge, mainly, how has he been able to sustain multiple zombie bites and not change? He thinks he has found safety in the military compound turned quarantine, but he was wrong. Even now there is a necromancer trying to make The Refuge their kingdom of …